Perfect PBL

Over the course of term one we have looked at the question: How can we help build a resilient community? We are using something called The Resilience Project to understand simple tricks to make our lives better. I have learnt that gratitude is to be happy for what you do have and not what you don’t have. Here is the link to the Gratitude doc.

The whole school had a showcase evening to look at all the students’ creations and learn more about The Resilience Project. We all got the chance to make an invite which I have linked below.

For the showcase evening I worked with Ivy, Sylvie and Elsie
We decided to create phone charms that says empathy and it came with a card that explains what empathy means. We thought that whenever you looked at it, you will be reminded of what empathy is.
Here are my final creations:




I now know more about what empathy is and how I can use it in my life to be happier. Throughout the creating process I feel like I did my posters and advertising what it is really well. I could have been better at time management. If I was to do this again, next time I would pick mindfulness as my G.E.M concept so I could learn more about something different.

When is a time that you have used Empathy in your life?